Don’t miss the prime time for treatment of testicular pain and seek medical attention early

Don’t miss the prime time for treatment of testicular pain and seek medical attention early


(Kuala Lumpur News) The testis is an important male reproductive organ. Once pain occurs, it must not be underestimated. The cause must be found out as soon as possible to avoid delaying treatment.

Clinically, testicular pain is one of the common emergencies in urology. Most of the patients are teenagers and middle-aged people. According to the patient’s description, the pain seems to be cut like a knife. At this time, the scrotum will appear red and swollen, and it will intensify if touched accidentally. Pain.

Assoc Prof George Lee Eng Geap, Consultant Urology

Seek regular treatment and do not self-medicate

Associate Prof. George Lee Eng Geap, Consultant of Urology, pointed out that testicular pain can be divided into chronic pain and persistent pain. At this time, the patient is already in pain. Therefore, it is not easy to pass self-judgment, and it is not suitable for self-diagnosis. If you use drugs, it is recommended that you must go to the hospital to seek formal treatment, so as not to delay the golden opportunity for treatment.

“Testicular pain is usually caused by several common conditions such as standing for long periods of time, varicocele after strenuous activity, bacterial infection, inflammation of the epitestis or testicles (mostly due to sexually transmitted infections or dehydration) and testicular torsion.

Such diseases not only affect daily life, including the normal functioning of male reproductive organs, but also lead to infertility. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment are crucial. “

Here are a few common reasons, he said:

1. Varicocele

Varicocele is caused by venous return due to incomplete testicular vein valve, resulting in abnormal dilation, elongation and tortuosity of veins in the scrotum.

“About 15 to 20 percent of adolescents will develop a varicocele,

Among them, men who love sports are more common, and children under the age of 10 are less common.

Varicose veins can cause scrotum stretching discomfort,

It is commonly found in the left testis,

In addition to the pain during the attack,

Edema and reduced fertility may also occur.

In addition, standing for a long time or doing some strenuous exercise is also one of the causes,

Parents with teens at home must take extra care. “

2. Testicular torsion

Often persistent pain in the testicles may be caused by the twisting action of the spermatic cord. When the spermatic cord is twisted, men experience intermittent pain in the testicles. If it persists or worsens, surgery to loosen the testicles is likely to be required. , thereby restoring the blood supply.

Because the spermatic cord rotates along the axis, the blood supply of the testis is blocked, resulting in testicular torsion. Generally, it can be divided into intrathecal type and extrathecal type.

3. Epididymitis or orchitis

This is a symptom that generally refers to inflammation of the testis and testis. The cause is related to bacteria that pass through the urethra retrogradely to the testis and testis, thereby causing inflammation of the testis or testis, or infections caused by urinary tract pathogens and sexually transmitted diseases.

If the inflammation is only limited to the epididymis, it is called epididymitis, and if it is confined to the testicle, it is called orchitis. The cause of epididymitis in children is not clear. , the cause of disease is mostly from sexually transmitted diseases.

4. Testicular attachment twisting

The testicular appendage is different from the testicular appendage. The testicular appendage is a small spot left on the testicle during the development of the testis. The size of this small spot is variable, and the number varies from person to person. Torsion will cause inflammation or necrosis, and cause testicular pain. Therefore, once you find redness, swelling and pain in the testicular appendix, it is better to see a doctor as soon as possible.

The cause is complicated, let the doctor find the cause

In addition to the 4 more common causes mentioned above, there are several less common causes of testicular pain, such as acute idiopathic scrotal edema, testicular hydrocele, and testicular injury.

1. Acute idiopathic scrotal edema:This refers to self-limited edema of the skin of the scrotum. The testis and epididymis are normal. The etiology is unknown, and it may be caused by allergic reactions. It is more common in children under 10 years old, and the onset is usually unilateral.

2. Testicular hydrocele:The sheath-like process of the spermatic cord is not closed, causing fluid in the peritoneal cavity to flow into the testicular hydrocele.

3. Testicular injury:Usually there is no special medical history of testicular trauma. The most common cases are testicular trauma, violent blows, and penetrating injuries. The aforementioned injuries may cause blood in the scrotum, that is, rupture of the testicle, and the fibrous tissue covering the testicle will be torn Cracks and even hematomas.

He said that the causes of testicular pain are quite complicated, and the treatment methods should be tested by a doctor before prescribing the right medicine. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor in time so that the doctor can find out the real cause and start treatment instead of blindly using drugs.

Avoid sitting for a long time and get used to maintaining the testicles

Since the testicle is an important reproductive organ, it is every man’s duty to learn to avoid pain from it. In addition to going to the hospital for regular treatment in case of emergency, it is also possible to take good care of it in daily life, so as to avoid unnecessary injuries.

Li Yongye pointed out that massage the testicles with both hands before taking a bath or going to bed, and perform clockwise and counterclockwise massage. Once you find abnormal pain, you can go for a check in time. Avoiding sitting for a long time is also the key.

“Quit smoking and drinking, stay away from spicy or irritating food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and increase the intake of vitamin C, which can also improve immunity, especially the body’s ability to resist bacteria and viruses. Such as testicular inflammation, epididymitis , urethritis, seminal vesiculitis or prostatitis and other diseases must be actively prevented.”

He also reiterated that, all in all, maintaining a good living habit and taking preventive measures is the kingly way. Once something is wrong, seek early examination and treatment is the kingly way.

Less likely to grow tumors

When a patient complains of testicular pain, the following types of tests can be performed when going to the hospital for examination:

◆Urine test to see if there is hematuria or white blood cells.

◆In the acute stage, pathogenic bacteria can be found in the urine, and it is even recommended to conduct a syphilis serum test to rule out the possibility of syphilis tumors.

◆Routine blood tests to determine whether there is an increase in white blood cells.

◆According to the current medical examination, the problem can be diagnosed through ultrasound scan. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat the patient. As for the testicular pain caused by varicocele, lying down and resting can relieve the pain. Or treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is also common treatment.

However, if persistent pain cannot be controlled with medication, the patient must consider surgery.

“It is worth noting that although most people think that testicular pain may be related to tumors, in fact, the symptoms of testicular cancer are often the opposite, that is, there is no painful lump in the scrotum, which also means that testicular pain is a tumor. The chances are not high.”

Text He Jianxing Organize Liang Yingxiu


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