[Doctors talk freely.between the ears]eat slowly

[Doctors talk freely.between the ears]eat slowly


Since middle school, I have had the problem of gastrointestinal discomfort. It may be the sequelae of a gastrointestinal operation when I was young! So I have always been very careful about my diet. I try not to eat too hot and sour food, and I dare not eat half-cooked or raw fish. Although I choose to eat so carefully, the problem of stomach pain still troubles me often, so I envy those who have an “iron stomach” can eat whatever they want, without worrying that the stomach will “reckon after autumn” and suffer a lot.

Slow eating slows down the fast-moving time.

May feel hunger and satiety

A few years ago, I learned a diet regimen to deal with annoying gut symptoms: “slow eating.”

Eating slowly allows me to stop “mouth movement” only when I’m 80% full, so I eat just enough and not too full. After applying this diet move of “breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to find it, it takes no effort to get it”, the trouble of stomachache is much relieved.

I recently read an article that talked about the many benefits that slow eating offers. Eating slowly allows you to “check in” with the food, giving you the feeling of being “present” with the food.

This way of eating allows one to focus and perceive the “messages” given by the body, allowing you to know what you are eating and savoring the essence of the food which in turn creates awareness of food textures, tastes and smells.

Actually the digestive system starts working before we put the food in our mouth, when we look at the food, the mouth will start to produce saliva, when the food enters the mouth and chew them, this liquid will give the food more surface area for digestion, Therefore, when food meets the stomach and digestive tract at the further level, it is easier to be broken down and absorbed.

What’s more, slow eating allows you to feel hunger and fullness inside your body, and eating slowly allows you to become the boss of your body without having to rely on rigid control laws such as calorie counting or weighing food. Replacing these external controls with slow eating gives us more real control over eating, and slow eating doesn’t depend on controlling what you eat. It can be done anytime, anywhere, and no matter what’s on your plate, or who’s around, you can always eat slowly.

Slow Food also allows us to learn about appetite awareness, the key to distinguishing between feeling wanting, needing and eating enough, which is closely related to the concept of eating until you are 80% full.

Sensing the messages sent by the body

According to the article’s authors, if a person can master the art of eating slowly and consciously, and learn to sense (and listen to) the body’s messages, they can do a lot to improve health, body composition, and vitality.

Stress is one of the main triggers for gut-related symptoms. Slow eating can help support the gut-brain connection by aiding our daily mindfulness practice. This gut-brain connection is a two-way communication, the gut talks to the brain and the brain talks to the gut. These two organs communicate with each other through this huge highway called the Vagus Nerve, so when you eat slowly you are essentially soothing the Vagus Nerve (like meditating, breathing deeply, praying or meditating) Help Gut health.

Eating slowly every day does not require much effort to achieve long-term cumulative gastrointestinal digestion benefits. Why not do it!

(Guangming Daily/Doctor Column‧Author: Wu Rongliang)


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