Average salary in 2022: Highest in IT, falling in real estate


The National Bureau of Statistics released the 2022 average salary data on the 9th.

Whether in urban non-private units or in private units, the information transmission, software and information technology service industries rank first in the average annual wage level of employees. The average wage level in the real estate industry has declined.

Average annual salary of employed persons in urban non-private units by industry in 2022.From the National Bureau of Statistics website

  2022 Average Salary Announcement

The data shows that in 2022, the average annual salary of employees in urban non-private units across the country will be 114,029 yuan, an increase of 6.7% over the previous year, a growth rate that is 3.0 percentage points lower than that in 2021, and an actual increase of 4.6% after deducting price factors.

The average annual salary of employees in urban private units was 65,237 yuan, an increase of 3.7% over the previous year, a decrease of 5.2 percentage points, and an actual increase of 1.7% after deducting price factors.

Urban units refer to legal entities with 5 or more employees in urban areas, excluding individual industrial and commercial households and freelancers. Wages of employed personnel refer to all the labor remuneration received by the employees of the unit issued by the unit, including wages, bonuses and various allowances, as well as the personal income tax, social insurance funds and housing provident funds withheld and paid by the unit from individual wages.

Average annual salary of employed persons in urban private units by industry in 2022.From the National Bureau of Statistics website

  IT industry has the highest average salary

Zhongxin Finance has noticed that in 2022, whether in urban non-private units or private units, the top three industries with the annual average salary level of employees will be information transmission, software and information technology services with high technology content. industry, financial industry, scientific research and technical service industry.

Among them, the average salary of the information transmission, software and information technology service industry is the highest among all industries.

Among urban non-private units, the average annual salary of information transmission, software and information technology service industries reached 220,418 yuan, exceeding 220,000 yuan. Among the urban private units, the average annual salary of the information transmission, software and information technology service industry reached 123,894 yuan.

Wang Pingping, director of the Population and Employment Statistics Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, explained that due to factors such as people’s greater demand for Internet learning, work, social networking and online shopping, the average wages of the information transmission, software and information technology service industries have increased respectively. 9.4% and 8.1%.

  The average salary level of the real estate industry has dropped

Among the 19 industry categories, the average wages of employees in 18 industries maintained growth, and only the average wage level of the real estate industry declined.

The data shows that among non-private units in cities and towns, the average annual salary in the real estate industry was 90,346 yuan, a decrease of 0.9%. Among the urban private units, the average annual salary in the real estate industry was 56,435 yuan, a decrease of 3.2%.

  Average salary growth in the financial industry is the highest

From the perspective of average salary growth, the average salary growth rate of the financial industry is the highest.

Statistics show that among urban non-private units, the average annual salary of the financial industry reached 174,341 yuan, an increase of 15.6%. Among the urban private units, the average annual salary of the financial industry reached 110,304 yuan, an increase of 15.6%.

Wang Pingping explained that this is mainly affected by factors such as industry structure adjustment, staff reduction and efficiency increase. Taking the four major industries included in the financial industry of urban non-private units as an example, the wage levels of monetary and financial services (mainly banks, etc.), capital market services (mainly securities funds and investment companies, etc.) and other financial services Higher, respectively 216,000 yuan, 452,000 yuan and 423,000 yuan, the average salary growth rate was 6.1%, 2.4% and 6.7% respectively, while the average salary of the insurance industry was lower, only 91,000 yuan, the growth rate But as high as 19.1%.

Wang Pingping pointed out that the main reason for the high growth rate of average wages in the insurance industry is that insurance agents with low wages will be greatly reduced in 2022, reducing the number of employees in the insurance industry by nearly 23% and total wages by 8.2%. The decrease in employment in the low-wage insurance industry is the main reason for the large change in the average wage level of the financial industry.

  The average salary is the highest in the East and the lowest in the Northeast

In terms of different regions, whether in urban non-private units or private units, the wage level is the highest in the East and the lowest in the Northeast.

From the perspective of urban non-private units, the average annual wages in the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions were 133,000 yuan, 90,000 yuan, 101,000 yuan and 90,000 yuan, respectively, an increase of 7.1%, 5.8%, 6.1% and 7.6% respectively. Taking the eastern region as 1, the ratio of average wages in the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions is 1:0.68:0.76:0.68, and in 2021 it will be 1:0.69:0.77:0.67. The gap has widened.

From the perspective of urban private units, the average annual wages in the eastern, central, western, and northeastern regions were 73,000 yuan, 53,000 yuan, 56,000 yuan, and 50,000 yuan, respectively, with growth rates of 4.7%, 1.5%, 2.8%, and 3.7% respectively. %. Taking the east as 1, the ratio of average wages in the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions is 1:0.73:0.76:0.68, and in 2021 it will be 1:0.76:0.78:0.69. The gap between the eastern region and other regions has widened.

  Rationally look at the difference between individual wages and national average wages

As for the difference between individual wages and the national average wage, Wang Pingping explained that due to different regions, industries, and types of units, there may sometimes be large differences in wage levels between units; Different positions have different salary levels. The current wage statistics use grouped data to reflect the wage levels of different regions, industries, and unit types, as well as the wage levels of employees in different positions within regions and industries.

Wang Pingping pointed out that average wage data can allow us to understand the approximate wage level of corresponding employed persons in the labor market. However, due to different unit benefits and individual specific circumstances, even employees in the same region, same industry, same type of unit and same position will still have some differences in their personal salary levels.

Wang Pingping said that, in short, due to various reasons, the individual wage level and growth rate may be quite different from the national average level and growth rate. Start a comprehensive analysis and look at it rationally.


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